In his introduction to the song "Bannerman" at Cornerstone 1994, Steve said,

Many of you know what this next song is about.  It's just simply a tribute to the brave men and women who risk their lives, risk hypothermia, out there at sporting events, holding up those banners, telling people 'for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son..."  This song is a tribute to them.  You know, keeping with the sporting theme of this song.  Actually, I think tonight would be a good night...I'd like to do a little impersonation while we do this song.  I'd like to do my impersonation of our bass player, Mister Wade Jaynes, in a seventh grade physical education class.  Are you still with me?  Doing class calisthenics.  This is, I think, how Wade would have done them.  And if you guys want to join in with me, sort of follow along, feel free to that.  That's fine.  You know, no problem with that.  So are we ready?

Oh, yeah, I forgot something.  I forgot something.  You know, Cornerstone is a good festival, becaus a lot of the bands that you see here are actually playing their instruments.  While some of these other festivals I've been to, they don't actually do that very often, do they?  (drummer does rim shot) I just saw two other bands tonight, and it's like there wasn't a bunch of tape machines rolling in the background.  But, you know, the deal is we did these other festivals, and I just felt like I needed to keep up.  So I feel like we need to do this song with something of a pre-recorded track, if you don't mind.  I hope this works, 'cause I don't know, we're not very good with this technology, if we got this cued up and everything.  Okay, here we go, very nervous....

(cues doo-wop intro of "Bannerman")

Does that sound good?  Is that sorta kickin'?  Feelin' that in your chest?

(Band starts playing)

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